
Last but by no means least we would like to thank our small group of volunteers who have worked so hard over the last 4 weeks getting the farm ready for reopening. There are still a lot of hurdles we have to overcome before we can finalise a date. We are getting there but it is a slow process.

As we had to close the site, just like everyone else, in April, May and June we have lost a lot of fundraising income and donations. As a charity we rely on our visitors to leave donations to help keep the farm running and the animals fed.

The farm has only ever been run by volunteers – we only had 1 full time and 1 part time member of staff before the crisis and we need to get our volunteers back whilst at the same time providing a safe and Covid secure farm to work on. If you would like to volunteer please do look out on our social media pages for news on the launch of a new volunteer programme in the very near future.




Support Your Farm

Please support us by making a donation or fund raising for the farm.

Boundary Road, Bidston Hill, Wirral, CH43 7PD

0151 653 9332

This website was kindly sponsored by
the little swimmers from Puddle Ducks
Chester, Wirral and North Wales Swim School

Website by Farm Factory